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Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'
Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'
Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'
Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'

Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'

Regular price 699 Kč 800 Kč | Save 101 Kč (12% off)

Tax included.

The plant is photographed in a terracotta pot.

About the plant:

Monstera Thai Constellation It is one of the rarest monstera with variegation. Unlike other monstera species, such as Monstera Albo Variegata, its variegation is a normal color, so it does not lose its color, but retains its color much better.

The indoor monstera is characterized by its cut-out leaves. These typical holes are formed only during the life of the plant, the small leaves are not perforated. In good conditions, this houseplant can grow to a height of 3 meters or more, and one leaf can be up to 1 meter in adulthood.

Difficulty: Advanced
Purifies the air: Yes
Pet friendly: No
Suitable for hydroponics: Yes
Suitable for kokedama: No

Approximate height of plant with pot : 15 cm
Flowerpot diameter : 10.5 cm

Every plant is different, just like us humans. Please allow for possible appearance differences from the product photo.

We wrote more about monsters in our article .

svetlo Light

The plant needs a lot of light to grow healthy and color its leaves. Give the plant plenty of bright light without sunlight that could burn the leaves. The ideal location is the north and east side.

zalivka Watering

Water in 1-2 weeks, monstera prefers wetter soil. However, let the upper part of the substrate dry out between waterings. Overwatering could cause rotting of the roots.

vzduch Humidity

It is a tropical plant and requires a lot of air humidity. However, we do not recommend misting the leaves. Variegated plants do not need this and then brown spots are formed on the leaves.

mnozeni Propagation

Stem cuttings, ideally in spring. It is enough to cut the leaf together with the aerial root and let it take root, preferably in water, but it is also possible in soil.

problemy Common problems

Overwatering: Too much water can cause root rot, yellowing and leaf drop. Browning of leaf edges, curling: Cold and draft. Withered leaves, browning of their tips: Too dry air. Brown spots on leaves: Burn of leaves from direct sunlight. Weevils (in case of excess light), worms, aphids, thrips: We deal with special sprays.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Viktoriia Sergeeva

Očekávala jsem větší zodpovědnost za dodání rostliny v lepším stavu. Listy vypadají převážně v pohodě, ale na tom největším je skvrna. Navíc kořen, který již přerostl květináč, vypadá shnile.

Martina Plošková

Na začátek této recenze musím uvést, že kdybych věděla, že baby rostlina půjde v zimě od pěstitele z Holandska, neobjednala bych ji. U popisu zboží to však uvedeno není (jsem si jistá, že ještě v létě tato informace u rostli uváděna byla).
První rostlina přišla úplně zmrzlá. Reklamace byla automaticky vyřešena zasláním nové rostliny. Druhá rostlina přišla v lepší/menší krabici. Na první pohled zmrzlá nebyla, avšak po 14 dnech doma již postupně ztratila 3 malé listy, které zčernaly a odpadly. Toto jsem již reklamací neřešila, samozřejmě by se mohlo jednat také o mou pěstitelskou chybu.
Znovu bych již objednávku tohoto zboží neudělala.

Štěpánka Strejcová
Monstera Thai Constellation 'baby'

Monsterka přišla krásně zabalená a vzorně s heatpackem, takže jí chlad vůbec neohrozil. Není zatím nijak krásně vybarvená, ale to se určitě zlepší, jak poroste 😊.

Anna Múdra

Rastlinka je malinká , ale dúfam, že porastie. Spamätáva sa z teplotné šoku, ktorý zažila. Rozhodla som sa, že v zime už objednávať nebudem. Druhý kvietok - darček to asi nedá, na listoch ma škvrny od chladu.

Petr Kováč

Monstera přišla ve stavu viz foto, reklamaci vyřešili stylem “chyba dopravce” přitom jde vidět ze list byl zlomený už delší dobu než jeden den. (Další spodní list to pravděpodobně taky nerozdycha).
Vzhledem k tomu že se nejedna zrovna o levný řízek rostliny čekal bych trochu jiné zacházení.

Monstera Thai Constellation 'XS'
11 cm - 699 Kč
  • 11 cm - 699 Kč

Delivery to the address by courier

We ship live plant orders Monday through Thursday. If we are unable to prepare your order during these days, we will ship it again the following week. We want to avoid plants sitting in the warehouse for too long, which is especially important during the winter months when cold conditions can be detrimental to them.

Individual shipping prices:

1. DPD

The day before delivery, a DPD courier will contact you with the exact delivery date. If you would like to redirect the shipment to a pick-up point, you can arrange this directly with the carrier. However, we strongly recommend not redirecting to pick-up boxes during the winter months, as low temperatures can damage the plants. In such a case, we cannot be held responsible for the condition of the plants and no claims will be accepted.

The price of delivery of plants and accessories throughout the Czech Republic is 149 CZK, and to Slovakia it is 8 €.

2. Mail order company

You can have the selected goods delivered to a Zásilkovna pick-up point in the Czech Republic for 89 CZK or in Slovakia for 5 €. Simply select the "Zásilkovna" delivery option when ordering. After completing your order, you will be able to select a specific pick-up point using the map.

Please note that Zásilkovna has restrictions on the dimensions and weight of the package. If you do not see the Zásilkovna option, you probably have larger products in your cart and you need to choose another carrier. In the winter months, we strongly recommend not choosing delivery to Z-Boxes due to the risk of plants dying in frost. In such a case, we are not responsible for the condition of the plants and the claim will not be accepted.

3. Personal pickup

You can pick up your order in person for free at Křižíkova 55/65, Prague 8. Once your order is ready, we will send you an email with information about the possibility of picking it up. If you do not pick up your order within 3 business days , or do not inform us of a different pick-up date, it will be automatically canceled .

4. Express delivery by courier in Prague

Do you need your order as soon as possible? We also offer the goods on Wolt . These orders are delivered by Wolt within an hour.

5. Z-boxes, Alzaboxes, PPL boxes and others.

In the case of payment by cash on delivery, orders for collection boxes are automatically redirected to the nearest collection point.

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