10 Fast Growing House Plants

- Philodendron
They also stand out well in hanging pots with their long creeping stems hanging from them. They do best in a bright place (but watch out for direct sunlight!), but they can also tolerate shady places. There, however, growth will not be as rapid, and in colored species the coloring will fade. They thrive well in higher humidity. They will appreciate the substrate with the addition of peat. Some species can be poisonous if swallowed.
- Epipremnum/Climbing plant
The genus Epipremnum again contains several diverse species, most of which are very nicely colored. It is an unpretentious plant that can grow climbing on any support or overhanging, when it forms rich tendrils. It will thrive well in a bright location without direct sun. It will also survive in shady places, but the leaves will be smaller and in the variegated variants they will not be so colored. They are indicated by higher air humidity, but we only water them when at least the top layer of the substrate dries out. It is enough to repot about once every two to three years, only when the roots grow out of the pot and it starts to be really tight for them.
- Scindapsus
A genus of fast-growing vines whose leaves are soft velvety and often interestingly colored. The leaves can even be heart-shaped, giving the whole plant a particularly romantic impression. Again, they are also suitable for shady places, but it is still true that the annealing will become more pronounced if we grow them in a more lit place. It does not like overwatering, so let the substrate dry well between waterings. They are evidenced by higher air humidity and spraying of leaves. As with the plants mentioned above, we don't have to worry about cutting them (and subsequent reproduction), the plant will thicken and become more compact. In April or May, we can cut the main shoots up to half.
- Hoya/wax plant
These plants come from the Far East and are called wax plants in Czech, because the surface of their leaves is shiny or waxy. Above all, the species H.carnosa is an attractive climbing plant, easy to grow and with proper care, it pays off with fragrant flowers. But watch out when her long, bare hair grows - it must not be cut! After a while, new leaves will appear on them. Do not even remove the flower stalks that have bloomed, as new flowers will form on them. It is important to let the plant dry out between waterings and to give it plenty of indirect sunlight. We can even dew once in a while, but not on the flowers! Wax plants do not like to be pruned, remove dead leaves as much as possible. After years it creates really big plants.

- Ceropegia/Candlestick
This interesting fragile plant has long stems on which tiny heart-shaped leaves grow. That is why it is called 'chain of hearts' in English and candlestick in Czech, because its upright flowers resemble candles. The stems grow to extreme dimensions, and if we cut them, they can be easily multiplied. The candlestick comes from Africa and is a succulent, so don't forget that when watering, which really must be moderate and in a dry substrate. He even asks for water himself, his leaves start to curl. We rarely water from mid-autumn to spring. In order to thrive and grow well, it must have enough sunlight, it can handle direct sun well. The plant is poisonous, especially watch out for children and pets.

- Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
This plant is sometimes called Monstera minima because it resembles a mini version of the Monstera deliciosa species, but unlike it, it does not grow nearly as fast. Rhapidophora forms beautiful long stems that grow when there is enough light. It appreciates permanently moist soil and dew, but beware of overwatering. You can tell by the brownish-yellow spots that start to appear on the leaves.

- Syngonium
The syngonium genus comes from the tropics of Central and South America. So they like high air humidity and dewing them in domestic conditions is a must. They are essentially climbing plants, it does no harm to offer them support for growth, e.g. a moss stick. They usually require repotting each year in the spring. But if they grow too fast, we can transplant them twice a year. As soon as the leaves start to turn pale, in addition to transplanting, it needs to be fertilized more than usual, which should be usually once a month. In order for the leaves to be nicely colored, they need enough light, but not direct sun, it could burn the leaves.

Syngonium podophyllum White Butterfly
- Arrowroot
Arrowroot is undoubtedly one of the most effective indoor plants. The drawing on the leaves is so interesting that few plants can match it. It is also known as the praying mantis , because it raises its leaves up at night and thus resembles the hands clasped in prayer. During the day, the leaves are drooping and spread out. Arrowroots love high air humidity and a substrate that is always slightly moist is evidence for them. They even tolerate a shady environment where their bold colors stand out. It creates about ten new leaves per year, which are first rolled into a roll and gradually unfold.

- Water lily/Maywort/Tradescantia
Water lily is also sometimes called crazy because it really grows fast like crazy. She is unpretentious and grateful. It can easily grow up to 30 cm in one season. There are several varieties with beautifully colored leaves. It produces long stems that stand out in hanging planters or on the edge of furniture. If we pinch the plant, it will become more dense and we can easily multiply it this way. It likes a constantly moist substrate (careful watering in winter) and occasional dew, especially during the summer. If you bought a more brightly colored variant (striped, pink, etc.) and after a while only green leaves appear on it, they should be removed, otherwise they may soon outgrow the plant. It would only become a single color green. Usually, the plant should be replaced with new cuttings after two to three years, otherwise it may become spindly.

- Spathiphyllum
This perennial houseplant is almost indestructible. Its elegant leaves and beautiful tender flowers can delight us all year round with proper care. It can tolerate semi-shade or shade, but it likes moist air, so it is often grown in bathrooms or in the hallway, where we can make it happy by misting it. But be careful, never grow flowers, they could turn brown. In addition to moistening, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a cloth to keep them nice and shiny. It usually doubles in size during one growing season, so don't be put off by its possible small size when buying. It is advisable to water it only after the substrate has dried, it will even ask for water itself when it hangs its leaves. It is an undemanding plant for any beginner, but it will make a lot of noise. There is also a rarer variant with variegated leaves, but it requires more light.
Spathiphyllum Diamond variegata
Elizabeth Lacinová